Two NM Communities Closer to Achieving Main Street America Affiliation
Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) welcomed Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project (LEAP) and Revitalize San Pedro Partnership (ABQ) as new Accelerator programs, a pathway for communities to achieve Main Street America affiliation. Both programs previously participated in NMMS’s project-based initiatives, the Frontier & Native American Communities and Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Initiatives respectively, to complete economic development projects and build organizational capacity. As an Accelerator, both programs will work on achieving NMMS Accelerator benchmarks during a 12-18-month timeframe. NMMS will provide guidance and technical assistance throughout the Accelerator process to move the programs toward Main Street America affiliation.
“Congratulations to Lordsburg and Revitalize San Pedro Partnership on their new Accelerator designation. This achievement is years in the making thanks to their leaders’ hard work and dedication. Economic development is a long game and I applaud their perseverance,” said Acting Economic Development Secretary Mark Roper.
“New Mexico MainStreet is proud to welcome Lordsburg and Revitalize San Pedro to the network. This achievement is an important step to gaining affiliation with Main Street America, which is a national movement building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development,” said NMMS Director Daniel Gutierrez.

Lordsburg was accepted to NMMS’s Frontier & Native American Communities Initiative in 2013 and 2019. For more than a decade, they have been engaged with community revitalization projects such as community clean-up events, holiday promotion events, and the development of downtown revitalization plans. The downtown revitalization program officially incorporated as the Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project (LEAP) four years ago. In the future, they plan to produce a signature fundraising event, recruit volunteers, grow local partnerships with monthly luncheons, create a walking tour with kiosks and signage, and more.
“The Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project (LEAP) is so proud of the work that has been done over the last 10 years. Becoming an Accelerator Community is a step in the right direction to continue LEAP’s momentum of revitalizing Lordsburg’s downtown district,” said LEAP’s Executive Director Emily Gojkovich.

Revitalize San Pedro Partnership is the culmination of more than a decade of collaboration among four neighborhood associations who recognized shared concerns, challenges, and hopes for this special Corridor in the middle of Albuquerque. During the two years they participated in NMMS’s Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Initiative, they accomplished many tasks including, completion of a community engagement process and two-year Action Plan; implementation of a community placemaking contest – the winner was a popup event kit funded by the NM Resiliency Alliance; hosted quarterly Business Connections meetings; formation of a motivated Board of Directors which includes members from all four neighborhood associations and local businesses; and secured priority status for the San Pedro Corridor in the City of Albuquerque’s updated integrated development plan.
“We are so grateful for the opportunities we have had to work with NMMS over the past two years, which provided the boost we needed to convene stakeholders along this unique Corridor and develop a solid, doable Action Plan. I look forward to an exciting year as a MainStreet Accelerator program focused on organizational development, expanding partnerships with local businesses and allies, and creating real, visible improvements to energize our community,” said Revitalize San Pedro Partnership, Inc. Board President Cynthia Serna.
NMMS’ Accelerator benchmarks include several objectives under six main goals: Organizational Development; Partnerships and Collaborations; Communication, Outreach, and Engagement; District Promotion; Business Development; and Physical Improvements. The benchmark objectives and goals, as well as priority projects and activities specific to the community/district, should be included in the organization’s Revitalization Action Plan, a requirement for Accelerator program designation.
“For the last two years, it has been a pleasure to work with Revitalize San Pedro Partnership. They are such a dedicated and hardworking group of people that truly deserve this designation and should be celebrated for their efforts thus far. I look forward to seeing what else they achieve in the years to come,” said NMMS Preservation & Non-Profit Resource Development Revitalization Specialist Amy Barnhart.
“Lordsburg’s acceptance into the MainStreet Accelerator program results from persistent efforts by community leaders and elected officials who are dedicated to the economic prosperity of the community. It’s exciting to see the growing commitment to revitalization in this historic community located in the southwest corner of New Mexico,” said NMMS Organization and Leadership Development Revitalization Specialist Eduardo Martinez.
Both Accelerator programs were celebrated by the network and program partners at NMMS’s annual Conference in Santa Fe. LEAP’s Executive Director Emily Gojkovich, Board President Roxann Randall, and Vice President Marsha Hill were joined by Lordsburg Mayor Glenda Greene; Revitalize San Pedro Partnership’s Board President Cynthia Serna and Board members Diane Gibson, Nicolas Roehrman, and Darcy Bushnell were joined by Albuquerque’s District 7 City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn.

The New Mexico Economic Development Department’s (EDD) mission is to improve the lives of New Mexico families by increasing economic opportunities and providing a place for businesses to thrive. EDD’s programs contribute directly to this mission by training our workforce, providing infrastructure that supports business growth, and helping every community create a thriving economy. Learn more at edd.newmexico.gov.

New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) develops local capacity to engage people, rebuild places and grow the entrepreneurial, creative & business environment resulting in economically thriving downtowns, greater business & employment opportunities, and a higher quality of life. NMMS was founded in 1984 and currently serves 32 MainStreet Districts and 12 Arts & Cultural Districts. Additionally, NMMS has supported 45 Frontier & Native American Community projects, 4 Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridor projects, and 11 Historic Theaters. NMMS is a program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department. Learn more at nmmainstreet.org.
Contact: Jessica Mraz
(505) 365-3998
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