New Mexico MainStreet Programs
A program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department, New Mexico MainStreet works with affiliated local organizations and revitalization partners throughout the state to help create an economically viable business environment, while preserving cultural and historic resources.

Since 1985, New Mexico MainStreet has played a significant role in creating a positive commercial district environment, helping to ensure the vitality of local small businesses and sustaining and expanding the job base in our downtowns. New Mexico MainStreet uses a community asset-based economic approach to economic development in partnership with local revitalization organizations to rebuild the local downtown economy.

The Arts & Cultural Districts program was established by the Legislature in 2007, as a comprehensive economic development strategy designed to capitalize on the expanding “creative economy.” Cultural entrepreneurs and businesses help develop and promote the exceptional art and heritage of New Mexico. Strategic investments in creative industries and enterprises help diversify the economy and support local growth.
Capital Outlay Public Infrastructure
Public Infrastructure leverages substantial private sector reinvestment and demonstrates visible improvements in downtown through upgrades to pedestrian safety and lighting, sidewalks, curbs, utilities, drainage, and landscape to create vital spaces for economic growth. As funding allows, MainStreet provides opportunities for eligible communities to apply for public infrastructure support.

The New Mexico Historic Theaters Initiative provides funding and technical assistance from the Economic Development Department and New Mexico MainStreet Program to rehabilitate historic theaters, install new digital projection and sound equipment, and improve theater performance.
Off the Road in New Mexico is a dynamic interactive website designed to promote historic and cultural attractions and businesses in the MainStreet and Arts & Cultural Districts.
Project-Based Initiatives
Frontier and Rural Communities Initiative (FRCI)
The FRCI supports communities under 50,000 in population. The 12 to 18-month affiliation with NMMS through the Initiative focuses on one economic development project within a traditional or historic village or town center.
Native American Communities Initiative (NACI)
Building off the success of the Frontier/Rural Communities Initiative, the NACI was created in 2019 to provide specific project-based community economic development support to New Mexico’s indigenous communities where the preservation of tribal culture and political sovereignty create different challenges and opportunities than working in rural economic development in general. The 12 to 24-month affiliation with NMMS through the Initiative focuses on one economic development project within a pueblo, reservation, or village or town center.
Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridors Initiative (UNCCI)
The UNCC Initiative provides project-based community economic development support to urban neighborhood commercial corridors located in cities with more than 50,000 in population that may currently not have the capacity or resources to start or operate a full-fledged MainStreet Program.