Revitalization Partner
As local state designated MainStreet organizations build capacity, and are able to take on more complex revitalization projects, additional resources become available for their economic development projects.

New Mexico MainStreet is responsible for coordinating and orchestrating resources, services and professional technical assistance to designated revitalization partners. A New Mexico MainStreet Revitalization Partner may consist of an organization, coordinating council, or association focused on asset-based community economic development in a traditional or historic commercial area with a specific priority around creative economy work, a cultural facility, cultural corridor, revitalization planning, and/or economic development catalytic project. This includes “State- Authorized” or “Municipally-Designated” Arts & Cultural Districts, Frontier Communities, Historic Theaters and Cultural & Heritage Corridor Initiatives, or other programs that NMEDD or the New Mexico State Legislature may delegate under the NMMS umbrella. Communities with more than 7,500 residents that do not qualify for Frontier Community designation may apply to be a Revitalization Partner. In general, Arts & Cultural Districts/Compounds and Historic Theater projects may exist in perpetuity as long as the program maintains programmatic performance and compliance.
Services & Resources for New Mexico MainStreet Revitalization Partners:
- Access to the newsletter and network list serves for the appropriate project or initiative.
- Discounted basic registration for appropriate Leadership Network Meetings for up to 2 leadership members (meal or other ancillary costs may be assessed). Additional attendees may be charged a registration fee.
- Discounted basic registration for the biannual Building Creative Communities Conference.
- Technical professional assistance for one project as identified in a Letter of Agreement (LOA), MOU or Scope of Services for the New Mexico MainStreet program or initiative; Arts & Cultural Districts/Compounds qualify for one technical assistance service each year. Services to Arts & Cultural Districts and Historic Theaters are requested through a Service Request Form.
- Revitalization Partners are not registered as members with the National Main Street Center.
- Other network benefits and/or scholarships for conferences or workshops are not available.
New Mexico MainStreet Accelerator Process
When Legislative funding allows, New Mexico MainStreet provides opportunities for Revitalization Partners to be considered in the “Main Street America” program, through an application process. Eligible community revitalization groups may apply, are reviewed and ranked, and may be selected for participation in the New Mexico MainStreet Accelerator Process as a pathway to potential Main Street America designation. Aspiring revitalization programs that have a demonstrated history of attendance in the past year at New Mexico MainStreet workshops, webinars, trainings and quarterlies will be provided higher consideration in the application process. Frontier Community Initiative programs are encouraged to apply instead for, and successfully complete, two successive Frontier Community projects prior to applying for participation in the MainStreet Accelerator process.
If selected, a community revitalization program will receive Accelerator community services, an intensive 12-18 month capacity-building process establishing a pathway to the National Main Street Center’s Main Street America ® program. Failure to complete Accelerator benchmarks within the 18-month period will result in termination of the Accelerator Process. Applicant communities are welcome to continue to participate as a Revitalization Partner or may choose to leave the network.
Services & Resources for Designated Accelerator Process Programs:
- Comprehensive education, coaching in the “Main Street Four-Point Approach®,” and capacity-building assistance from New Mexico MainStreet Revitalization Specialists to establish a nonprofit revitalization organization for the purpose of advancing economic revitalization of the traditional or historic commercial district.
- Technical Professional Assistance from New Mexico MainStreet Revitalization Specialists in identifying initial “Economic Transformation Strategies” (ETS) to complete three to six small, incremental projects (annually) under the Main Street America Four-Point Approach.
- One discounted basic registration scholarship available annually to local leadership for up to three in-state Leadership Network Meetings.
- One discounted basic registration for the NMSC Main Street Now Conference.
- All other conferences, institutes and advanced trainings at set fee cost to local Accelerator Process leaders and members.