Main Street America Coordinating Program
As a Main Street America™ Coordinating Program, New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) helps to lead a powerful, grassroots network consisting of over 40 Coordinating Programs and over 1,200 neighborhoods and communities across the country committed to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.

NMMS may award the Main Street America Affiliate™ designation to programs that have demonstrated a commitment to comprehensive Main Street District economic growth and revitalization and are on the pathway to achieving meaningful economic, social, physical and organizational improvements in their downtown or commercial districts.
Main Street Affiliates have completed the NMMS Accelerator Process benchmarks and are building their organizational capacity using their Economic Transformation Strategies (ETS) that engage the Main Street Approach®.
Main Street America Affiliate Benefits & Services:
- National Main Street Center network dues and access to benefits paid by NMMS.
- Access to list serves and newsletters.
- Access to Intermediate Professional Assistance based on annual biennial MOU and approved service requests.
- Discounted basic registration for Executive Director to Leadership Network Meetings (2 per year, exclusive of meal costs and special fees), two intermediate-level professional development trainings per year and the annual Main Street Now Conference (early-bird registration).
- Discounted fee for registration for up to three board members at Leadership Network Meetings.
- Discounted basic registration for Executive Director and/or board members to Revitalization Trainings & Institutes (exclusive of meal costs or special institute fees).
- Unlimited access by board members, staff and volunteers to training webinars.
- Access to NMMS Accelerator Process trainings, where applicable.
- Access to Public Infrastructure funds and other financial resources for district revitalization projects.
Main Street America Accredited Program
New Mexico MainStreet may award Main Street America Accredited designation to programs that exhibit a commitment to comprehensive economic growth, revitalization, community engagement, and rigorous outcome performance measurements. Accredited Programs have demonstrated success in planning, implementing, and measuring their Economic Transformation Strategies using the Main Street Approach®. Accredited programs have fully engaged boards, committees or task groups that work in all Four Points, and a full-time paid Executive Director. Accredited programs demonstrate achievement under all Ten Standards of Performance established by the National Main Street Center, Inc.
Main Street America Accredited Program Benefits & Services:
- National Main Street Center network dues and access to benefits paid by NMMS.
- Access to list serves and newsletters.
- Access to Advanced Professional Technical Assistance based on the biennial MOU and approved service requests.
- Bonus points in application process for advanced special projects such as Great Blocks on MainStreet, Community Initiated Development and Real Estate Development.
- Discounted basic registration for Executive Director to Leadership Network meetings (3 per year), three intermediate-level professional development trainings per year and the annual Main Street Now Conference (early-bird registration).
- Discounted basic registration for up to three board members at Leadership Network Meetings (3 per year).
- Discounted basic registration for one board member at the annual Main Street Now Conference (early-bird registration).
- Discounted registration for Executive Director and/or board members to Revitalization Trainings & Institutes (exclusive of meal costs or special institute fees).
- Unlimited access by board members, staff and volunteers to training webinars.
- Access to Accelerator Process trainings for new leaders, where applicable.
- Access to Public Infrastructure funds and other financial resources for district revitalization projects. Accredited programs may receive bonus points in the competitive application process (other eligibility requirements may apply).
- Support in application for the Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA).
National Main Street Center Benefits:
- Registration discounts for the Main Street Now Conference (early-bird basic) and Main Street America Institute trainings at own cost.
- National Main Street Center Weekly e-newsletter
- Access to the National Main Street Center list serve
- Access to tier appropriate Main Street America Logo
- National Main Street Marketing campaigns based on National logo and branding
- Free digital publications
- Online training
- Eligibility for Premier Program Recognition