Get Involved
New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) celebrates the accomplishments of the volunteers, staff and local government partners who help create a positive economic development environment on “Main Street” that attracts new entrepreneurs, retains local businesses, supports residents, encourages property reinvestment, resulting in vibrant downtowns.
Ways to Get Involved in NMMS:

- Volunteer with your local MainStreet or Arts & Cultural District
- Get updates from our Newsletter
- Find events in your neighborhood
Main Street redevelopment takes passion, commitment, dedication and leadership that drives the community’s vision through planning, convening and dialogue to move projects forward.
More than 30 years ago New Mexico Lt. Governor Mike Runnels saw the promise of a new national program to assist our historic downtowns and village centers. He championed the cause with the New Mexico legislature and helped pass the MainStreet Act in 1984. Our first six communities were selected in 1985. Lt. Governor Runnels was all about economic innovation and in many ways his vision and drive were ahead of the mainstream. He believed in the power of volunteers in Main Street to economically enhance their commercial districts.
Today, New Mexico MainStreet has expanded and adds new communities periodically. Additionally, new initiatives like the Frontier & Native American Communities and Historic Theaters were added with new monies invested from the state. Under the Economic Development Department, New Mexico led the way to create the first-ever Native American Main Street in the nation, located at Zuni Pueblo.
MainStreet has a record of strong economic performance that reflects the work of New Mexico communities, with generations of MainStreet contributors, who are making an incredible difference, one restored building, one bench, one tree, one new business, one new job at a time.
Support your local community:

- Visit your local organization’s website for a list of events, projects, and news in your local district.
- Volunteer to take part in a task force or a committee, or assist with an event.
- Help support recruitment activities for your local organization.
- Make a tax-deductible contribution to your local organization.
- Join the Board of Directors of your local organization.
- Shop Local: support district businesses, restaurants, and service providers.