How We Can Help
Are you interested in MainStreet revitalization, developing a catalytic economic development project in a rural community, or promoting the creative economy in your region?

NMMS provides services to the network members through our Accelerator process, supports a cohort of affiliated MainStreet communities, and works with other network revitalization partners to drive asset-based economic development in New Mexico communities. Our staff and revitalization specialists provide technical assistance relevant to the Main Street Four-Point Approach® and other commercial district economic growth, revitalization and management topics.
Some of the Ways NMMS can assist:
- MainStreet organizations, Arts & Cultural Districts, and Historic Theater Initiatives may request services from NMMS, through submission of a Service Request Form to the NMMS Director.
- MainStreet provides a variety of trainings, institutes, workshops, webinars, and conferences to support the community revitalization work of organizations and local government partners, and the professional development of Executive Directors and Board Members, including Executive Director State-Certification, as well as other community members.
- NMMS conducts annual site visits of local MainStreet organizations, which provides a comprehensive assessment of the program’s accomplishments under the Main Street Four-Point Approach® with recommendations required of the organization as a State-Designated Revitalization Partner.

- NMMS manages calls for applications for Frontier Communities, MainStreet, and Arts & Cultural Districts to increase participation in the NMMS network.
- NMMS manages applications to improve the appearance of and infrastructure needs of downtown through applications for design projects or capital outlay opportunities, as funding is available.
- NMMS matches professional service to Federal, State, Foundation and other resources for downtown development and implementation of local revitalization projects.
- NMMS assists with NMSC network dues, discounted registration fees for trainings, institutes, workshops and conferences, as funding is available.