Small Business Saturday is November 26, 2022
Support local businesses on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 26, to make a big difference in the community!

Small Business Saturday on Nov. 26 is a New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax Holiday.
For this one day, the state suspends collection of gross receipts tax on sales of qualifying items at certain small businesses, allowing the retailer to sell the items “tax free.”
Types of items that qualify are clothing, accessories, sporting goods, tools, books, art, cosmetics, musical instruments, cookware, bedding, furniture, toys, games, and electronics. For a business to qualify for the deduction, it must maintain its primary place of business in New Mexico, and employ no more than 10 employees at any point during the year. More information on eligibility and qualifying merchandise is available in this bulletin and on the Tax & Revenue website.
New Mexico MainStreet, a program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department, annually supports affiliated districts with holiday Choose MainStreet social media graphics and promotion. We encourage everyone to choose local, small businesses first during the giving season to keep dollars in the local economy.
Why Shop Small/Local First?
✦ Businesses in NM MainStreet and Arts & Cultural Districts offer one-of-a-kind items and treasures.
✦ Shopping small supports artists, entrepreneurs, makers, and growers.
✦ Small businesses create jobs.
✦ Local businesses are more likely to contribute to community charities.
✦ Money spent locally recirculates and strengthens the local tax-base.
✦ A vibrant local economy improves the quality of life for everyone in the community.
✦ Supporting everything local builds community pride.
Choose MainStreet Holiday Graphics
For the ❤️ of local, Choose MainStreet.
Click on the image to download a large version.
#ChooseMainStreetNM #WeAreMainStreet #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #NMEcon #ChooseMainStreet

Show your thanks on Small Business Saturday – Nov. 26, 2022! Support your locally-owned MainStreet businesses by shopping small.

November 26 is Small Business Saturday and New Mexico’s Gross Receipts Tax Holiday! Show your thanks by supporting locally-owned MainStreet businesses.

Discover local treasures that bring joy by holiday shopping in your MainStreet district. Spread the cheer!

Discover local treasures that bring joy by holiday shopping in your MainStreet district. For the ❤️ of local, Choose MainStreet!

When you support MainStreet businesses, you support someone’s dream. For the ❤️ of local, Choose MainStreet.
Business Resources

GivingTuesday is Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022
- GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement – download Graphics

Previous NM MainStreet Holiday Resources
- 2021 Small Business Saturday Choose MainStreet Campaign
- 2020 Small Business Saturday Webinar Presentation
- 2020 Choose MainStreet Shop Local Campaign
- 2018 Shop MainStreet Kit & Poster
Events in MainStreet Districts

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