Category: Revitalize Economies

Red Willow Farm, Taos Pueblo

August 22, 2019

As part of the Frontier and Native American Communities Initiative through New Mexico MainStreet, Taos Pueblo and the Red Willow Farm guided the development of a phased conceptual plan for this important agro-ecology and community wellness hub. This project will create a year-round arts, crafts, and local food vendor/demonstration area…

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Raton Great Blocks Placemaking Installations and Great Blocks on Main Street

August 22, 2019

As part of the educational content for New Mexico MainStreets Summer Leadership Network Meeting in 2018, Raton MainStreet and the City of Raton worked with NMMS technical assistance to develop designs for multiple placemaking installations, including a 3D “floating” crosswalk, wayfinding footprints, painted games, and portable benches/planters made out of…

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Silver City Polaris Parklet

August 22, 2019

This exciting partnership between a local business owner and Silver City MainStreet will result in an improved streetscape, public art display, and a public parklet for events and daily use. The streetscape improvements include slope stabilization, low-water use plantings and improved pedestrian access, and were completed in 2018, thanks to…

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Lovington MainStreet Wayfinding Signage and Plan

August 22, 2019

Lovington MainStreet is collaborating with the City of Lovington to develop design and an implementation plan for wayfinding signage downtown. The signage will convey the importance and evolution of the energy industry to Lovington, and will include gateway and directional signage. Our team is also evaluating opportunities to integrate interactive…

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Ex Novo Brewyard, Corrales MainStreet

August 21, 2019

An exemplary example of a public/private partnership created through the MainStreet approach, the design for the new Ex Novo Brewyard in Corrales creates a unique and valuable “third space.” Proposed improvements included recommendations for the newly renovated tap room patio and for phased development of a “brewyard” with vendor space,…

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Dolores Huerta Gateway Park, South Valley MainStreet

August 21, 2019

The Dolores Huerta Gateway Park serves as an important gathering space for community members as well as a key placemaking site for the La Familia Growers Market, the La Familia Growers Market Harvest Festival, and the I Love the South Valley Because Art Exhibit and future Art Crawl. The community…

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Deming Gateway Paver Inlay

August 21, 2019

Deming MainStreet, the City of Deming and local muralist Jesse Kriegle collaborated in the conceptual design for a “gateway” paver inlay at the intersection of Gold and Spruce Streets. The inlaid design, along with a colored concrete pavement will feature Mimbres inspired artwork, creating a sense of arrival at the…

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Clovis Parking Park

August 21, 2019

Clovis MainStreet and Curry County guided the development of a schematic design for a hybrid parking lot/park in downtown Clovis. The new “parking park” will create much needed vehicle storage space for the expanded County Judicial Complex and the adjacent library, while also providing valuable green open space in the…

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‘Tis the Season to Look. Buy. Give. Shop MainStreet

December 6, 2018

New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) kicked off the annual "Shop MainStreet" Campaign to help local communities develop Shop Local strategies to bring more people downtown for the holidays. Shop MainStreet builds awareness of the quality services and retail businesses in New Mexico’s MainStreet districts. We know that dollars spent with locally-owned businesses recirculate…

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Voices from New Mexico MainStreet

October 29, 2018

Those who work in MainStreet know it can be a challenge to answer the question "what does MainStreet do?" Executive Directors and Board Members have crafted their “elevator” pitch to summarize a large and multifaceted approach in just a few short sentences.  New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) developed a series of…

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