Everyone Loves a Parade

One of the goals for promoting downtown is to hold events that bring people to the district. The easiest way to do this is through special events. Special events are traffic builders, a great way to showcase the variety of businesses and services downtown.

There are many different types of special events, but today we want to focus on parades. Parades are community builders. They unite the participants and the audience in a common celebration. They can be held for holidays, causes and community celebrations. Like all special events, purpose and planning are keys to the success of a parade. Here are five tips for parade planning:

  • Purpose – know why you are holding the parade and what you want the outcomes to be. This can be as simple as “bringing 1,000 people into our historic downtown and celebrating our country’s independence.”
  • Team – have a parade team that plans the details of date, time, budget, advertising, volunteers, line-up, judging and awards.
  • Include Business Owners – Include them on the team and also look for ways to highlight businesses. Advertising may include a list of participating businesses or coupons that encourage attendees to visit downtown the following week for special discounts.
  • Theme – creating theme helps to give your parade an identity and allow the participants to decorate their entries around the same topic. It will give your parade a cohesive appearance.
  • Permits and Insurance – take care of these early on in the planning process. Contact the city to find out what they require to close the streets for your parade. Contact your insurance agent to confirm that your parade is covered and does not require a special policy.

Parades are a great way to include your entire community and celebrate together!

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