District Maps
District Boundary Maps
Download the District Boundary Atlas with ALL the Districts (pdf)
Community Maps (pdf):
- Alamogordo
- Albuquerque (includes Downtown, Barelas, Nob Hill, San Pedro, and South Valley)
- Artesia
- Aztec
- Barelas
- Belen
- Carlsbad
- Carrizozo
- Clayton
- Clovis
- Corrales
- Deming
- Downtown ABQ
- Farmington
- Galisteo
- Gallup
- Grants
- Harding County (includes Mosquero, Roy, and Solano)
- Las Cruces
- Las Vegas
- Lordsburg
- Los Alamos
- Lovington
- Mora
- Mosquero
- Mountainair
- Nob Hill
- Portales
- Questa
- Raton
- Roswell
- Roy
- Ruidoso
- San Pedro (ABQ)
- Santa Rosa
- Silver City
- Solano
- South Valley
- Taos
- Truth or Consequences
- Tucumcari
- Tularosa
- Zuni