Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, the New Mexico Resiliency Alliance (NMRA), in partnership with the McCune Charitable Foundation and New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS), announced sixteen NMMS-affiliated communities have been awarded Resilient Communities Fund grants. Grants support economic development projects and leverage local resources to engage volunteers and complete an impactful project by December 2022.
The Resilient Communities Fund provides seed grants for community economic development projects in New Mexico’s rural and underserved communities. NMRA has awarded more than $415,000 in small grants since 2014. Investments have been matched locally by more than $1,000,000 in cash/in-kind contributions and NMMS’s professional technical assistance.
“The Resilient Communities Fund grants are an effective tool for improving a community’s design and economic vitality, creating a more welcoming space for everyone,” Economic Development Secretary Alicia J. Keyes said.
“Thank you to the New Mexico Resiliency Alliance and the McCune Charitable Foundation for their continued partnership and support on these innovative projects,” NMMS Director Daniel Gutierrez said. “These projects will have a positive effect on communities by building local capacity to support businesses and improve the community for everyone.”
“I found the evaluations of the grant applications to be thorough,” NMRA Board Member Sandy Duckert said. “I’m impressed by the monitoring of these funds, their effective uses and how a small change can have a big, long-lasting impact. The collaboration between the McCune Foundation, NMMS and the NMRA is exciting for its effectiveness.”
“The applications we received represent communities from every corner of the state and demonstrate a wide range of projects and activities that will enhance the vitality and resilience of each community,” NMMS Revitalization Specialist Amy Barnhart said. “We’re inspired by the proposals and thrilled to fund them.”
2022 Resilient Communities Fund grants are awarded to the following:
- Downtown ABQ MainStreet Arts & Cultural District: Albuquerque Artwalk
- Earth Care: Santa Fe Airport Rd. community visioning process
- International District Economic Development: ABQ ID markets and community space
- MainStreet de Las Vegas: façade squad on Railroad Avenue
- Los Alamos MainStreet: Los Alamos Retail Accelerator program
- Lovington MainStreet: Central Alley construction mitigation
- Madrid Art & History Walk: welcome area for public parking
- Nob Hill MainStreet: Nob Hill community gift card project
- Ojo Encino, Navajo Nation: downtown Ojo Encino beautification project
- Revitalize San Pedro Partnership: ABQ’s San Pedro Corridor creative placemaking contest
- MainStreet Roswell: façade squad at Backdraft Barbeque, Third Street Station
- Silver City MainStreet: Bullard Street parklet
- Taos MainStreet: façade improvement program
- MainStreet Truth or Consequences: historic El Cortez Theatre façade improvements
- Tucumcari MainStreet: Tucumcari microloan program
- Zuni Pueblo MainStreet: event capacity building
Grants are $2,000-6,000 and require a 1-to-1 match with at least 50 percent cash and the remaining amount from in-kind sources. The Resilient Communities Fund grant priority areas include community economic and entrepreneur development; design, urban planning and placemaking; development of the arts, cultural and creative economy; marketing, branding and communications; outdoor recreation and environmental stewardship; food security; and organizational capacity-building.
Examples of past projects include pop-up outdoor markets, one-on-one mentoring, seed grants for businesses, entrepreneur training workshops and pitch sessions, crowdfunding events, business plan development and more.
About the McCune Charitable Foundation:
The Marshall L. and Perrine D. McCune Charitable Foundation is dedicated to enriching the health, education, environment, cultural and spiritual life of New Mexicans. The Foundation memorializes its benefactors through proactive grantmaking that seeks to foster positive social change. Learn more at nmmccune.org.
About the New Mexico Resiliency Alliance:
The New Mexico Resiliency Alliance is a nonprofit organization working to strengthen the capacity of communities to adapt and thrive in a changing economy. The Alliance partners with philanthropy and community-minded donors to mobilize resources for locally driven, community economic development activities throughout New Mexico. Learn more at nmresiliencyalliance.org.
About New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS):
NMMS develops local capacity to engage people, rebuild places and grow the entrepreneurial, creative & business environment resulting in economically thriving downtowns, greater business & employment opportunities, and a higher quality of life. NMMS was founded in 1984 and currently serves 30 affiliated MainStreet Districts, 12 affiliated Arts & Cultural Districts, 6 Frontier & Native American Community projects, 4 Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridor projects and 9 Historic Theaters. Learn more at nmmainstreet.org. NMMS is a program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department.
For Immediate Release: April 29, 2022
Contact: Jessica Mraz
Phone: (505) 365-3998
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