Capital Outlay Public Infrastructure Projects and Great Blocks on MainStreet
NMMS Capital Outlay Projects
NMMS’s Public Infrastructure Capital Outlay program leverages economic redevelopment within targeted public investment areas. This critical source of funding results in physical improvements and rehabilitation, business creation and expansions, job creation, and revitalization within accredited MainStreet districts.
Public Infrastructure investment is important because:
- Commercial centers with severe safety and infrastructure issues deter private reinvestment.
- Visible improvements build confidence in business owners.
- Projects:
- Create employment opportunities
- Strengthen the local economy
- Create vibrant destinations
- Improve pedestrian safety
- Incentivize commercial property improvements
NMMS works with its communities to identify projects, utilizing technical assistance from NMMS Revitalization Specialists. The projects are developed with local government partners, the community, and the private sector to enhance the economic vitality of downtown and catalyze private investment.
Projects are based on an adopted Master Plan, Cultural Economic Development Plan, or Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan. Projects must demonstrate impact on the local economy, build on existing assets, improve the appearance & functionality of the district, create connectors, and engage local property & business owners.
Projects awarded funding each year is contingent on the Legislature’s annual appropriation to NMMS’s Capital Outlay Program. Capital Outlay funds are used to leverage/match other local, state, corporate, and foundation dollars to fully-fund projects.
Within three years of completion, the community benefits from public infrastructure improvements with:
- 60% increase in pedestrian traffic and business expansions.
- 95% increase in new business openings.
- 80% increase in attendance at downtown events,
- 70% decrease in vacant buildings.
Eligible Public Infrastructure Projects:
- Planning:
- Cultural Economic Development Plan for designated New Mexico Arts & Cultural District Start-Ups.
- Streets:
- Storm sewer and drainage projects; water, electric, and sewer utilities; broadband; and pedestrian night lighting (and accompanying conduit and electrical cabling.)
- Pedestrian Safety:
- Including sidewalks, curb extensions, road diets, pedestrian crossings and medians; traffic calming, traffic parking configuration, context sensitive solution projects; and complete streets projects.
- Street amenities:
- Wayfinding systems; benches; trash receptacles; tree canopy; and landscape buffers (including watering systems consistent with drought tolerant plantings that are consistent with the historic context of the project area, and if in an historic designated district, consistent with the appropriate period of significance as designated in the district nomination.)
- Placemaking:
- Town centers, town squares and plazas; public and farmers’ markets; outdoor performance spaces and amphitheaters (placemaking projects must be able to demonstrate support for economic growth, property renovation, business development, and job creation within the district.)
- Great Blocks on MainStreet Projects with completed construction documents.
Capital Outlay Recipients
See all New Mexico MainStreet Capital Outlay recipients.
- Bernalillo County Celebrates Holiday Season at Newly Renovated Dolores Huerta Park
- $10 Million in Capital Outlay Funding Awarded to Public Infrastructure Projects in New Mexico MainStreet Districts
- $10 Million Awarded to 14 Capital Outlay Projects in New Mexico MainStreet and Arts & Cultural Districts
- New Mexico MainStreet Awards $2.5 Million to 13 Capital Outlay Public Infrastructure Revitalization Projects
- New Mexico MainStreet Awards $1.5 Million to Four Public Infrastructure Revitalization Projects
- New Mexico MainStreet Announces $4 Million for Public Infrastructure Revitalization Projects
- New Mexico Economic Development Department Announces $500,000 in Funding for Revitalization Projects in NM MainStreet Communities
- Governor Susana Martinez and Secretary Jon Barela Announce $100,000 in MainStreet Capital Outlay Funding for Reichman Memorial Park in Downtown Roswell
- Governor Susana Martinez and Secretary Jon Barela Announce $137,000 in MainStreet Capital Outlay for Phase II of Silco Theater Renovations
- Economic Development Cabinet Secretary Jon Barela Announces $75,000 in Capital Outlay Funds Awarded to MainStreet de Las Vegas
Contact Info:
Daniel Gutierrez, Director
(505) 629-5270
Lucas Pedraza, Project Coordinator
(505) 412-3963
Great Blocks on MainStreet
Great Blocks on Mainstreet projects are innovative and intensive design/economic vitality infrastructure projects. These projects are designed to dramatically upgrade a core three-block commercial area within a MainStreet District through the creative implementation of urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and creative economy projects. Great Blocks is meant to catalyze the target area by providing, through this grant, much needed public infrastructure upgrades that will result in private sector reinvestment in buildings and businesses.

Raton was the first Great Blocks Project pilot project and and is located in Raton’s historic downtown district on First Street between Park & Cook Avenues. This project accomplished:
- façade improvements
- wayfinding signage
- lighting improvements
- street & pedestrian enhancements such as new street surfaces, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, crosswalks, trees, benches, parking enhancements, and safety features
- public art installations
Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Great Blocks groundbreaking for phase 1-2 took place in March 2022. This project will renovate the Historic Las Vegas Railroad District by improving pedestrian access and public infrastructure, and direct traffic to the businesses in the district.

Tucumcari’s project includes two blocks on Second St. between Main and Aber and two blocks on Main Street between 1st and 3rd Streets. Improvements include sidewalk replacement, lighting, water drainage, benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, artwork, and landscaping.
- Announced: 2015
- Completed: 2021 (Phase 1)

Belen was funded in part by a USDA Grant in 2015. Phase 1 of their First and Becker St. Pedestrian Improvement project was completed in 2021. This project includes pedestrian safety and engineering improvements, streetscape enhancements, wayfinding systems, public art installations, and more.
- Announced: 2022
This project will improve the infrastructure of the 800-900 blocks of New York Ave. and focus on major improvements like replacing water and sewer lines, updating utilities, repairing sidewalks and creating more accessible parking. These updates will increase overall foot traffic in the district, and will have a positive impact on the local economy through increased local spending, in addition to creating jobs during construction.

- Announced: 2022
Great Blocks Construction: South 4th Street Phase 1

- Announced: 2022
Great Blocks Construction: Roswell Market Walk Phase 1

- Announced: 2022
Great Blocks Design: Santa Fe Avenue (ROUTE 66) Improvements

- Announced: 2022
Great Blocks Design: Zuni MS/State Highway 53 Pedestrian Improvements