Deputy Director for the MainStreet Program is now OPEN!


The new MainStreet position in New Mexico has been released today. It will be posted for two weeks. If you or someone you know may wish to apply, please let them have this email with attachment.

Do not send the New Mexico MainStreet Office your information. You must file your application and REQUIRED DOCUMENTS must be electronically attached, to the State Personnel Office (SPO).

Do make sure that your documents are properly attached. There has been issues in the past and SPO will reject your application as deficient if they are not attached. Please call SPO to verify your documents are all accounted for not the New Mexico MainStreet Office. SPO vets and ranks all applications based on SPO criteria for the position not necessarily the job description inside MainStreet. They will do so after the close of the posting. The first ten top ranked will be provided to NMMS for further vetting.

Those of you applying, best of luck!


Rich Williams
New Mexico MainStreet Director
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