Santa Fe, N.M. – New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) is proud to announce that Main Street America has designated 30 NM organizations for meeting rigorous performance standards (27 are Accredited and 3 are Affiliated Main Street America™ programs.) Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the designation of Accredited & Affiliated programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™. Additionally, NMMS has been relicensed as a Main Street America™ Coordinating Program. Main Street America has more than 40 Coordinating Programs across the country that are committed to creating high-quality places and building strong communities.
“Congratulations to New Mexico’s 30 Main Street America programs on their continued dedication to downtown revitalization. The NM Economic Development Department supports their efforts to strengthen the local economy and improve the community for all,” Economic Development Secretary Alicia J. Keyes said.
“It’s an honor to partner with Main Street America in support of our mission to engage people, rebuild places, and revitalize economies in New Mexico. I know firsthand that our Executive Directors work extremely hard to achieve and maintain their Accredited & Affiliated status. Kudos to all for their continued efforts and this achievement,” New Mexico MainStreet Director Daniel J. Gutierrez said.
“We are very proud to acknowledge this year’s 862 Accredited Main Street America programs, and their steadfast dedication to nurture economically and culturally vibrant downtown districts. The increase in the size and impact of our network speaks volumes to the power of the Main Street movement to respond to the needs of local communities and drive innovative solutions,” Main Street America Interim President & CEO Hannah White said.
Since 2014, NMMS districts reported 1,449 new businesses & business expansions, 5,184 new jobs, 2,242 private building rehabilitations, $212,165,308 in private sector reinvestment, and 300,543 volunteer hours.
New Mexico’s 2023 Accredited Main Street America™ Programs:
- Alamogordo MainStreet
- Albuquerque Downtown Art & Cultural District – a NM MainStreet
- Artesia MainStreet
- Barelas MainStreet
- Belen MainStreet Partnership
- Carlsbad MainStreet
- Clovis MainStreet
- Corrales MainStreet
- Deming Luna County MainStreet
- Downtown Farmington: A MainStreet Project
- Gallup MainStreet Arts & Cultural District
- Downtown Las Cruces Partnership
- MainStreet de Las Vegas & Arts and Cultural District
- Los Alamos MainStreet & Creative District
- Lovington MainStreet
- Mora MainStreet and Arts & Cultural Compound
- Nob Hill MainStreet
- Raton MainStreet & Arts and Cultural District
- MainStreet Roswell
- Ruidoso Midtown Association
- Santa Rosa MainStreet
- Silver City MainStreet Project
- South Valley MainStreet
- Downtown Taos MainStreet
- MainStreet Truth or Consequences
- Tucumcari MainStreet
- Zuni Pueblo MainStreet
New Mexico’s 2023 Affiliate Main Street America™ Programs:
- Clayton-Union County Economic Development Partnership
- Grants MainStreet Project
- Harding County MainStreet
Coordinating Programs evaluate, select, and recommend qualifying communities to Main Street America annually. To qualify for Accreditation status, communities must meet a set of rigorous standards that include commitments to building grassroots revitalization programs, fostering strong public-private partnerships, nurturing economic opportunity for small businesses and entrepreneurs, and actively preserving historic places, spaces, and cultural assets. NMMS annually evaluates the performance of local programs, in partnership with Main Street America, to identify the local programs that are committed to comprehensive, place-based revitalization efforts and achieving meaningful community outcomes.
On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $24.07 of new investment back into their downtown communities.

About New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS):
NMMS develops local capacity to engage people, rebuild places and grow the entrepreneurial, creative & business environment resulting in economically thriving downtowns, greater business & employment opportunities, and a higher quality of life. NMMS was founded in 1984 and currently serves 30 affiliated MainStreet Districts, 12 affiliated Arts & Cultural Districts, 6 Frontier & Native American Community projects, 4 Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridor projects and 11 Historic Theaters. Learn more at NMMS is a program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department.

About Main Street America:
Main Street America leads a movement committed to strengthening communities through preservation-based economic development in older and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. For more than 40 years, Main Street America has provided a practical, adaptable, and impactful framework for community-driven, comprehensive revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.
Our network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Since 1980, communities participating in the program have generated more than $101.58 billion in new public and private investment, generated 168,693 net new businesses and 746,897 net new jobs, rehabilitated more than 325,119 buildings, and levered over 33.7 million volunteer hours. Main Street America is a nonprofit subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. For more information, visit
For Immediate Release: May 4, 2023
Contact: Jessica Mraz
Phone: (505) 365-3998
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