Program Associate Amy M. Barnhart had some useful information in our NMMS December newsletter on getting our MainStreet organizations in order and ready for the New Year.
It’s the end of the year, and businesses and individuals are looking for nonprofit organizations to donate excess funds to. Don’t miss out on these last minute fundraising gifts! Direct mail, email, phone calls, face-to-face and Facebook are all great ways to reach potential donors, depending on how much time you have until December 31. If your website has the capability to accept credit card payments, that will make it even easier for donors to get their funds to your organization.
Annual Work Plan
Have you looked at your annual work plan lately? Dust it off, and review your achievements for 2015, as well as what has not yet been completed. Update your work plan to reflect your goals for 2016, and serve as a guide for your organization as you undertake your revitalization work.
Financial Records & Budget
How are your MainStreet organization’s financial records? Little messy? Get them organized before the start of 2016, so you know where you stand and are able to get your IRS Form 990 filed without any fuss. Additionally, review of those well-organized financials will aid in the development of an accurate and reasonable budget for 2016.
End-of-the-Year Report
Developing an Annual Report gives your organization a comprehensive way to communicate your successes to community members, stakeholders, businesses, donors and your local municipalities. Your organization’s 2015 Annual Report should include a review of completed projects, fundraising successes, new partnerships and ongoing activities. When your MainStreet organization begins the annual budget request process with your municipality, you will already have a great basis for your funding request.