
New Mexico MainStreet

Engage People • Rebuild Places • Revitalize Economies

A program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department, New Mexico MainStreet works throughout the state to help affiliated local organizations create an economically viable business environment while preserving cultural and historic resources. New Mexico MainStreet uses a community asset-based approach to economic development in partnership with local revitalization organizations to rebuild the local downtown economy.

The program’s core objective is downtown revitalization and redevelopment and the mission is to develop local capacity to engage people, rebuild places and revitalize economies resulting in economically thriving downtowns, greater business and employment opportunities and a higher quality of life.

Choose MainStreet – Celebrate Local This Holiday Season
Choose MainStreet – Celebrate Local This Holiday Season
MainStreet Rebuilds Places
MainStreet Rebuilds Places
We leverage public and private sector reinvestment to make improvements through streetscapes and creative placemaking projects.
MainStreet Revitalizes Economies
MainStreet Revitalizes Economies

Vibrant downtowns serve residents and visitors and attract new businesses.

MainStreet Engages People
MainStreet Engages People

We provide economic development services to develop local leadership and capacity.

Upcoming Events


35 Year Anniversary
Learn about New Mexico MainStreet’s 35 year history in this commemorative video:

Voices from New Mexico MainStreet
Watch our video series to learn about the entrepreneurs, building owners and communities in our districts.

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